Monday, July 27, 2009


QUADS and CALVES at SuperFitness, Burlington, NC.

10 minute pre workout cardio warmup

135 x 15
225 x 10
315 x 6
315 x 4
315 x 3
225 x 6
135 x 12
7 sets

I did squats first while fresh so I can give it my all, then will pre-exhaust with leg extensions and then hit more focused leg training like hack squats.

Leg extensions
110 x 15
150 x 15
200 (whole stack) x 10
212.5 (stack + rubber add ons) x 8
212.5 (stack + rubber add ons) x 6
212.5 (stack + rubber add ons) x 4
200 x 6
150 x 10
8 sets

Hack squat
225 x 10
315 x 6
315 x 5
225 x 6
Superset with seated calf raises
2 plates x 15
2 plates x 15
3 plates x 10
4 plates x 5
8 sets

Leg press
405 x 15
585 x 12
675 x 8
585 x 8
495 x 15
405 x 15
Superset with standing calf raise
260 x 10
260 x 10
260 x 10
220 x 10
220 x 10
220 x 10
12 sets

Quad focus hammer strength deadlift facing away from machine
225 x 8
225 x 8
225 x 8
Superset with leg press calf raises
405 x 12
405 x 15
405 x 15
6 sets

41 total sets

PWO Cardio
20 minutes treadmill

430am meal 1 PreWO
80g oatmeal
70g scivation whey
30g peanut butter
50p, 15f, 60c

730am meal 2 PWO
Scivation egg pancake
99g Mixed berries
30g peanut butter
50p, 15f, 15c

11am meal 3
7oz lean beef/turkey
99g blueberries
30g almond butter
50p, 15f, 15c

130pm meal 4
70g scivation whey
18 almonds
50p, 15f

330pm meal 5
70g scivation whey
18 almonds
50p, 15f

6pm meal 6
70g scivation whey
18 almonds
50p, 15f

830pm meal 7 restaurant
Steak and chicken
Estimated macros
65p, 10f

1030pm meal 8
70g scivation whey
30g peanut butter
50p, 15f

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