Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hamstrings and abs at SuperFitness, Burlington, NC

Start time: 245am

Lying leg curl
80 x 20
110 x 15
130 x 10
150 (whole stack) x 6 YEAH BUDDY!!! BIG ASS HAMMMMMMMSSSS!!!!!
120 x 6
100 x 12
6 sets

Still leg deadlifts
135 x 15
225 x 12
275 x 8
315 x 5--SLIZZZZAM!!!
225 x 6
135 x 15
6 sets

Hi leg press
315 x 15
315 x 15
315 x 15
What a pump!!
3 sets

160 x 15
190 x 10
220 x 6
3 sets

160 x 15
200 x 12
240 x 6
3 sets

Glute machine for the ladies! Chicks dig tight bunz!!!
40 x 12--easy. 30lbs for 10 was my precontest max
60 x 10
70 (whole stack) x 8. YEAH BUDDY! Owning the chick machines!!!
70 x 6
Last 2 sets Superset with weighted ab machine
80 x 12
90 x 12
6 sets

One leg standing curl
60 x 12
80 x 8
80 x 8
80 x 8
Superset with hanging leg raises
8 sets

Hammer strength stiff leg
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
Superset with weighted ab machine
100 x 8
100 x 6
80 x 8
80 x 8
8 sets

Lower back hyperextensions
Superset with rope cable crunches
70 x 25
100 x 15
120 x 15
150 (whole stack) x 15--strong abs!!!
8 sets

51 sets

Time finished: 410am

2am Meal 8 from 7-19
70g scivation whey
30g peanut butter
80g oatmeal
50p, 15f, 60c

5am meal 1
70g scivation whey
30g peanut butter
80g oatmeal
50p, 15f, 60c

830am meal 2
7oz lean beef
18 almonds
Cabbage salad
50p, 15f

1230pm meal 3
7oz turkey
18 almonds
Cabbage salad
50p, 15f

230pm meal 4
7oz lean beef
18 almonds
50p, 15f

430pm meal 5
7oz turkey
18 almonds
Cabbage salad
50p, 15f

8pm meal 6 at restaurant
Meat appetizers
10oz chicken breast
65p, 10f

1030pm meal 7
7oz lean beef
18 almonds
50p, 15f

Sort of missed a meal. But I did have some variables in meal 6 and I also had the meal 8 from Sunday in there!!

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